Cyber security in aerial platforms

Maintaining cyber security is like a marathon: long-term preparation creates the foundation for top performance. Jouni Törnqvist, Director of Digital Solutions and Services at Bronto Skylift, introduced us to the topic of cyber security in aerial platforms and explained how his team makes sure Brontos are fit for action.

The world is connected. We are used to having many devices connected to the internet at home and at work. The same is true of the Bronto Skylift platforms that rise to the skies of more than 120 countries every day. From our data, we can see thousands of devices online every day – in fact, the majority of modern Bronto aerial platforms are under Bronto One digital agreement and thus are connected to the internet. It’s a no brainer that the security of any machine lifting people up is – and should be – of paramount importance.

Whenever an aerial platform is used, in addition to the success of the operation, the safety of everyone around should be taken seriously. If an operation were to stop when the platform is tens of metres in the air, the situation could become dangerous.

Closed systems and secure connections

Luckily, the cyber security of aerial platforms is at a relatively high level everywhere around the world and Bronto Skylift, as one of the industry pioneers is connected aerials, is no exception. Bronto aerials are closed for anyone outside trying to connect.

“We at Bronto Skylift have prepared for cyberattacks in many ways. Currently, each Bronto’s systems are closed. It means that in all connections, the aerial platform itself initiates the connection, not the other way around. Thus, external connections to the device are automatically blocked.”

Jouni Törnqvist, Director, Digital Solutions & Services

Even Bronto Skylift’s own service staff needs to use sophisticated methods including special software with security keys to establish a remote connection to the platform.  In addition, Bronto One remote access server has continuous cyber-attack monitoring and is under 24/7 supervision.

“Additional security is provided by the dynamic IP addresses – which change every time the platform is powered on – used by our platforms’. This means, in practice, no one knows what the IP address of each aerial is,. Risks are therefore minimised.”

Jouni Törnqvist, Director, Digital Solutions & Services

Radio remote control for boom movements

The security of the wireless remote control for boom movements has also been safeguarded. It operates entirely on its own frequencies and uses digital encryption. If the signal were disturbed, the connection would be lost and the unit stops, but the aerial platform can then be controlled from the machine’s control stations, which ensures the operator is not trapped in the air.

Remote control with a tablet for an aerial platform

With camera solutions, safety comes first

Camera systems are often a weak link in security. Many companies buy cameras for business use from online stores without considering security. When signals are transmitted from these cameras to the aerial platform’s systems, a door opens for attacks. If successful, the attack could disrupt the entire control system.

We’ve tested standard camera safety by turning on the camera system and monitoring network activity. Cyberattacks began as soon as we turned on the power. This confirmed our decision to switch to well-proven safety technology that uses end-to-end VPN tunnelling, a totally closed system with continuous cyberattack monitoring. Today, Bronto aerials and accessories can no longer be attacked via cameras that we provide.

If you want to use your own mobile device as an additional display, a WLAN network can be set up around the machine, which uses the same cyber attack protection technology that blocks all unaccepted contact attempts.

Why should an aerial be connected?

There are two main reasons why aerial platforms should be connected to the internet.

1. Using Bronto One enables our customers to drive new performance improvements in operational planning and execution. With Bronto One, they can easily check and optimise usage, performance and maintenance cycles.

2. Remote access through Bronto One enables accurate, real-time problem solving in case of exceptional situation. When there’s an immediate communication line between Bronto Skylift and the aerial platform, exceptions and their causes can then be rapidly identified, analysed and corrected, limiting downtime and reducing unnecessary costs.

Sometimes, in high-security operations, the aerial must be completely isolated from the internet. There’s an easy way to do it: just unplug the modem and your Bronto will be disconnected. A second option is to contact our technical support team. They can remotely disconnect the unit from mobile network – either for a set period or permanently.

At Bronto Skylift, we make sure only administrators have access to machine-specific information. We treat the data just like healthcare patient records: with utmost care. Our own systems are completely isolated from IoT systems and we always have access to secured database backups.

Your operators and stakeholders deserve a secure aerial platform operation from end-to-end – and we’ll be there to help you make it a reality. At Bronto Skylift, we think cybersecurity is everyone’s business.

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