Bronto F61RPX for the Royal Dutch Navy

Bronto F61RPX for the Royal Dutch Navy

Korps Marinebrandweer, the fire brigade of the Royal Dutch Navy in Den Helder, Netherlands, has taken delivery of a Bronto F61RPX aerial fire and rescue platform. The unit was delivered by Bronto Skylift’s local distributor, Kenbri Fire Fighting B.V., and with its maximum working height of 61 metres, it is the highest fire and rescue aerial in the Benelux area.

The delivered Bronto F61RPX aerial platform has a maximum working height of 61 metres, maximum outreach of 33 metres, up-and-over capacity of 10,5 metres and maximum cage load of 500 kg. The rescue cage is equipped with a 3800 lpm water monitor, an integrated foam line, a stretcher carrier and a diver’s ladder among other options to enable safe firefighting and rescue operations in various challenging situations the Navy corps may face at their base. Additionally, the unit includes optical and thermal cameras and a hydraulically driven generator.

The aerial is mounted on a Scania P500 B10x4*6NA 17L chassis, has a total length of 12 metres and weighs around 37 (metric) tons.

The operators received a training upon the delivery of the unit. The firefighters have continued to practice with their new aerial and have successfully deployed it once for action.

Bronto F61RPX for the Royal Dutch Navy

All pictures and video are courtesy of Korps Marinebrandweer and Kenbri Fire Fighting B.V.

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