Bronto Skylift awarded Kauppalehti’s Achiever 2017 certificate
11 September, 2017Bronto Skylift has received Achiever 2017 certification from Kauppalehti, a major Finnish business media. The certificate was granted by Balance Consulting, the analysis unit of Kauppalehti Oy, to Bronto Skylift for its financial performance.

Companies receiving Achiever certification are stable businesses with solid growth, good financial results and profitability, a strong financial structure and liquidity to ensure continued operation.
A comparison of these key indicators has put Bronto Skylift in the top tier of its own industry and the entire country. The Achiever 2017 rankings are based on the financial years ended between June 2016 and May 2017.
Turnover of Bronto Group increased significantly from previous year’s 83.8 million euro and reached 102.4 million euro. Hence growth in percentage was as high as +22.2%. Also operating margin increased up to 10.3 million euro due to positive development of turnover.
Equity ratio of Bronto Group increased clearly from previous year by 5.3 % percentage point and was on excellent level of 72 %. Group’s liquidity improved considerably from previous year and current ratio was also excellent 2,9. Total average number of personnel in Bronto Group was 388 employees.