Biggest Bauma ever – thank you!
17 April, 2019Bauma, the world’s largest construction equipment trade fair was bigger than ever. It attracted over 3,500 exhibitors from 63 countries and 620,000 visitors from more than 200 countries. Bronto team wishes to thank everybody for a very successful show.
Messe München says that visitors came from European countries such as Austria, Italy, Switzerland, France, Sweden and the Netherlands, but also from Russia, Australia, Japan and China. At Bronto stand we also witnessed many visitors from Brazil and Middle East, as well as Finland – of course! For Bronto Skylift the show seemed very busy. The week was packed with high quality visitors all around the world. The weather was a bit on the cold side, but inside Bronto stand it was warm and cosy.

One of the platforms displayed at Bauma was the 70 metre S70XR with 2×220 degree cage rotation. At the end of the show, the platform was handed over to the customer, Stockholms Höjdliftar. The big cage rotation created a lot of interest and was very much liked by our North American customers as well. Another new option to add the versatility of the Bronto platforms was a 200kg cage winch in the newest “baby-Bronto”, the 35 metre S35EM.

Now it is time to gather up the feedback, make use of the new contacts and appreciate the excellent show we had. A warm thanks from all of us in Bronto Family to all of our visitors, you made our week.