Online operator training connects professionals all over the world
3 December, 2020Our service instructors and the fire fighters from Kuwait Fire Force came together online for a five-day training session. Training consisted of a two-day class room training covering the theory of safe and efficient use of the Bronto aerial platform and three days of full practical training with their new 55-metre aerial ladder platform, the F55RLX. The unit was delivered by Bronto Skylift’s long time distributor, Mohamed Abdulrahman Al. Bahar LLC.
“The class room training went really well. In the beginning of the practical session we had some difficulties with connections and streams, but all worked out well in the end,” says Ahmad Alkhawaja, Customer Service Engineer, Bronto Skylift.
The current situation with all the travel restrictions has, and will continue to, speed up the development of virtual services everywhere. Same applies to Bronto Skylift’s operator and service trainings. Training being such an essential part of the operational safety, it can only be done online if the settings allow the operators to get the full benefit out of it and understand the basis of safe and efficient use. Based on the feedback received from the customer, this was achieved with KFSD training. Online trainings will definitely have a bigger role in the future even after the travel restrictions are lifted.
“I think the online training can be very useful especially in case of theoretical part of operator training, and in some cases in the practical part as well. It will also be providing a great opportunity for technical training for expert technicians who want to have a refresh training to stay up to date,” Ahmad states.
“I think the online training can be very useful especially in case of theoretical part of operator training, and in some cases in the practical part as well. It will also be providing a great opportunity for technical training for expert technicians who want to have a refresh training to stay up to date,” Ahmad states.
However, our instructors are not ready to transfer everything online just yet. There still is a need for that practical, face-to-face training. And that’s not only because we love to meet our customers, which we obviously do!
“Online training in my opinion will not be able to fully replace the face-to-face situations. In addition to the training itself it has a great impact on the relationship, when you are at customer’s site and you are not just a virtual character talking over the internet. You are physically the face of the company which makes it easier for the customer or the operator to contact you in the future about any matter.”
Jukka Luoto, Product Support Engineer, Bronto Skylift
Until we meet again, keep your crew ready with an online training.