Kenbri Fire Fighting
29 March, 2023Kenbri Fire Fighting provides vehicle sales, service, training and rental across the access and fire sectors from four locations across the Netherlands and Belgium, with an export business that extends their range worldwide.
Mels van Zanten is the Operations Director for Kenbri’s firefighting division, which makes up approximately half of Kenbri’s 200-strong operation. We sat down with Van Zanten, a fire industry veteran of more than 25 years, to discuss the three key reasons Kenbri stands above the rest.
A firefighter’s perspective
Aerial platforms are the firefighting tool of choice in the Dutch region. According to Van Zanten, Kenbri’s hands-on firefighting experience is what allows them to add unique value to their customers.
“At Kenbri, we are very close to the firefighters. We have in-depth knowledge and experience in what they do with the trucks, and we build the trucks from a firefighting perspective, not a builder’s perspective.”
Mels van Zanten, Operations Director, Kenbri Fire Fighting
Taken together with their design and manufacturing expertise, this enables Kenbri to add customisations and tailor products for the end customer themselves, making for an efficient working partnership with suppliers.
24/7 after-sales service
Kenbri prides itself on its strong after-sales service, which includes regular maintenance, repairs, and an extensive training program. Together it makes up more than half of the business, and their large service team means they offer 24/7 support.
“We partner with our customers to optimise the availability and condition of their unit while minimising cost. This includes annual maintenance, repair, and advice. So we not only sell the product, but also make sure we train our customers well, that we keep them trained, and we keep the vehicles in good shape throughout their lifecycle.”
Kenbri’s training program covers unit operation and effective use in the wide variety of situations aerials will be deployed, including firefighting operations, rescue operations, and patient transport. Overall, the program is oriented towards safety and keeping customers’ knowledge up to date with yearly training.
The right products
Kenbri’s firefighting perspective and strong service commitments have led towards reliable, practical fire products, and made them selective in their choice of suppliers — including Bronto Skylift.
“At Kenbri, we choose the product or the tool that fits the task best. Aerial platforms have a good reputation in the Dutch market for reliability and being a very versatile tool. Most fire services only have one aerial platform, so it has to be multipurpose. They’re a proven concept.”
Mels van Zanten, Operations Director, Kenbri Fire Fighting
Kenbri’s relationship with Bronto Skylift goes back to the 1990s, when Bronto Skylift built several high extendable turret booms for applications at Schiphol airport. When Bronto was looking for a dealer in Kenbri’s market in 2006, the choice was an obvious one.
“I think the cooperation between Kenbri and Bronto is as special as it is because we both add value through our expertise. Bronto has a long heritage and strong expertise in building platforms. We are very close to the firefighting community and their practical, everyday use cases. We are an extended arm of Bronto Skylift, that’s how it feels.”
Mels van Zanten, Operations Director, Kenbri Fire Fighting
That’s how, he says, one plus one equals three.